Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Reaktor Kids Kode Skool

Yesterday we had the first "code school" for kids at the Reaktor office in Helsinki.

There was about ten parents and even more kids of ages 4 to 10 and we mostly played around with Turtle Roy. I had a very brief intro on the projector and then the kids and the parents just started coding together.

All the kids seemed amazingly concentrated and excited about programming to my surprise. I was prepared for a 30 minute session or so, but they just kept on coding! Only after 1 and half hours the first ones started to leave.

Here are some of the works the kids saved:

Check out the concentraction here:

Most of the kids and daddies took notes too. This was one of the cutest:

That was amazing! And what's more amazing, I got volunteer daddys to organize the next meeting. Good times!

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