Friday, September 15, 2017

Unity Session I - Animation

I realised that we've started quite a few game projects before, which have all been abandoned at a very early stage. But this time we're gonna make it. I just know it :)

Ok, so we've started working on a Unity 2D Tutorial where we follow video instructions and try to do the same thing as the guy on the video. The idea is to create a simple 2-dimensional game with the Unity game engine. I hope that after we're done with the tutorial videos, we'll be well equipped to start writing games of our own. So far, I have very limited Unity experience and I need the video tutorial as much as my daughter, so this'll be a great learning experience for both of us. My advantage over her is that I'm a professional coder at Reaktor (yes, we're hiring in Amsterdam, Dubai, Helsinki, New York, Tokyo and Turku!). Her advantage is that she's young, smart and has an almost unlimited supply of free time to throw at the project.

We had our first session the day before yesterday and we had a good time. We managed to create some basic animations for the player character and a couple of enemies.

After creating a couple of animations from the sprite sheet (basically a set of images) included in the tutorial, she was able to complete the rest by herself. After the one-hour session, she seemed quite enthusiastic about going on but it was bed time. I'm pretty sure we'll continue this soon. Stay tuned :)

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