Well, it seems we picked the wrong tutorial... Not saying we're not learning though. It's just that the code that gets casually written there's like protected virtual voids:

... freaking hardcode object-oriented stuff! The kid is a brave one but come on, we're writing abstract behavior component classes that have virtual parameterized methods. Also, in some parts of the tutorial (like this one) nothing new gets added to the game, in the sense that you could actually see some results on the screen.
There are easy and fun parts too, like working with the Animator Controllers, and in these parts she gets engaged but in the hardcore coding parts we've now agreed that I do most of the work. And it's totally ok! For me, this is nice and easy, and I get to understand how Unity works. I just hope that she'll bear with me for the whole tutorial without getting totally frustrated with the protected virtual voids.
I was just about to rant that there are no easy 2D Unity Tutorials but ahem there seems to be at least this one: 2D Game Creation.
Now, should we abandon our work and switch to the easier tutorial?! Maybe I'll quickly skim through both myself and make the decision. Let see...